Rinnai Code error 12 - TM Plumbing and Drainage

What is Rinnai Code 12 and How To Fix It?

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    It’s the coldest season of the year, and when you’re about to wash away the soap all over your body, your Rinnai heater suddenly shows a Code 12 error. Frustrating right?

    Rinnai is a trusted brand known for its reliable tankless water heaters, designed to provide endless hot water on demand. However, a Code 12 error can quickly damage your warm shower plans.

    So, if you’ve ever been shivering under a cold stream of water because of a Code 12 error or want to be prepared if it happens, you’re in the right place. I’m a plumbing and drainage expert in Melbourne, and I’ve seen my fair share of Code 12 errors.

    Impact of Code 12 on the Functioning of the Water Heater - TM Plumbing and Drainage

    What Exactly is a Rinnai Code 12 Error?

    A Rinnai Code 12 error is a diagnostic code that appears on the unit’s control panel and indicates an issue with the water heater’s ignition sequence. This error usually arises when the heater fails to ignite properly or has problems during ignition.

    Various underlying conditions, such as gas supply problems, venting system faults, or ignition component malfunction, can cause code 12. Essentially, the heater’s control system identifies an irregularity in the ignition process and displays the Code 12 error to notify users of the problem.

    It’s important to address Code 12 promptly to ensure the continued efficient operation of the Rinnai water heater and to prevent disruptions in the hot water supply. Troubleshooting the specific cause of the error and implementing the necessary fixes is crucial to resolving Code 12 and restoring the heater to proper functioning.

    Common Triggers for Code 12

    Let’s talk about the common triggers for a Rinnai Code 12 error. Understanding what causes this issue can help you troubleshoot and fix it more effectively.

    Gas Supply Problems:

    A gas supply issue is one of the most common causes of a Code 12 mistake. This could be due to low gas pressure, a closed gas valve, or an interruption in the gas line that feeds the water heater.

    Ventilation System Issues:

    Another major cause of Code 12 is difficulties with the venting system. Blockages or limits in the vent pipes and a poorly installed venting system might interfere with the water heater’s normal operation and cause ignition failures.

    Ignition Component Malfunctions:

    Code 12 can also occur due to malfunctions in the ignition components of the water heater. Faulty ignition electrodes, a defective ignition control module, or dirty or damaged burner assemblies can all disrupt the ignition process and trigger the error code.  

    Impact of Code 12 on the Functioning of the Water Heater

    Now, let’s talk about the impact of a Rinnai Code 12 error on the functioning of your water heater. Understanding this impact can help you appreciate the urgency of resolving the issue promptly.

    Disruption to Hot Water Supply:

    When a Code 12 error occurs, it indicates that the water heater is having difficulty igniting properly. As a result, you may notice a disruption in the flow of hot water to your faucets, showers, and appliances. This can be especially troublesome in the colder months when hot water is required for comfort and hygiene.

    Increased Energy Consumption:

    A water heater that cannot ignite owing to a Code 12 fault may attempt ignition multiple times. This can lead to greater energy usage because the device uses gas or electricity to start up. This wastes energy and can lead to increased power expenses over time.

    Potential Safety Concerns:

    Ignition problems caused by Code 12 faults represent a safety risk if not remedied. For example, if gas does not ignite properly, it might collect in the combustion chamber, raising the risk of a gas leak or possibly a fire. Furthermore, defective ignition components may cause incomplete combustion, emitting dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide into the residence.

    Wear and Tear on Components:

    Constantly encountering Code 12 problems without addressing the underlying issues can strain the water heater’s components, including the ignition system and burner assembly. If repaired promptly, this wear and tear might prevent the unit from deteriorating further and potentially lead to more frequent breakdowns.

    Why Addressing Code 12 is Essential

    Addressing a Rinnai Code 12 error is essential for several reasons, contributing to your water heater’s efficient and safe operation. Let’s delve into why resolving Code 12 promptly is crucial:

    Ensure Continuous Hot Water Supply:

    Code 12 faults disturb your water heater’s activation process, causing a lack of hot water. By swiftly correcting the mistake, you may restore the heater’s operation, ensuring a continuous and consistent hot water supply for your household needs.

    Preventing Energy Waste:

    When a water heater receives Code 12 errors several times, it may continue to attempt ignition, burning energy. This not only wastes energy but also increases utility expenses. Resolving Code 12 helps to reduce excessive energy waste and increases the appliance’s energy efficiency.

    Minimising Safety Risks:

    Ignition difficulties caused by Code 12 mistakes can pose safety risks, such as gas escapes and incomplete combustion. Addressing the problem as soon as possible helps to limit these safety risks, maintaining the water heater’s safe operation and lowering the chance of home accidents or dangers.

    Extending the Lifespan of the Water Heater:

    Continuously encountering Code 12 faults without resolution might put an additional load on the water heater’s components, resulting in premature wear and tear. By addressing the problem early and treating the underlying issues, you can assist in extending the appliance’s life, eliminating the need for costly repairs or premature replacement.

    Maintaining Warranty Coverage

    Many Rinnai water heaters come with warranties, which may be void if the equipment has problems due to negligence or poor maintenance. Promptly correcting Code 12 problems displays conscientious appliance care, which helps to keep warranty coverage and may save you money on repair expenses.

    How To Fix Rinnai Code 12

    Fixing a Rinnai Code 12 error requires careful troubleshooting and addressing the underlying issues causing the ignition problem.

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you resolve Code 12 and get your water heater back up and running:

    Step #1: Check gas supply:

    Ensure the gas supply to the water heater is turned on, and the gas valve supplying the device is fully open. Check that there are no interruptions or leaks in the gas line that supplies the appliance.

    Step #2: Inspect the ventilation system.

    Examine the venting system for blockages, restrictions, or obstacles impeding proper airflow. Check that the vent pipes are properly installed and that no kinks or curves may obstruct airflow.

    Step #3: Inspect the ignition components.

    Examine the ignition system components, including the ignition electrodes and burner assembly, for signs of damage, dirt, or corrosion. Clean the electrodes and burner assembly to ensure appropriate alignment and operation.

    Step #4: Verify electrical connections:

    Ensure that all electrical connections to the water heater are secure and corrosion-free. Check for any loose wires or damaged connections that could interfere with ignition.

    Step #5: Reset the unit.

    Some Rinnai water heaters include a reset button that can be used to reset the unit and clear error codes. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to locate and push the reset button for your specific model.

    Step #6: Professional Assistance:

    If you cannot resolve the Code 12 error after following the methods outlined above, or if you suspect a more complex problem with the water heater, you may need professional help from a certified specialist. They can precisely diagnose the problem and make necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure the unit’s proper operation.

    How to Prevent a Rinnai Code 12?

    Preventing a Rinnai Code 12 error involves regular maintenance and adherence to best practices for operating your water heater. Here’s how you can minimise the likelihood of encountering a Code 12 error:

    Schedule regular maintenance.

    Schedule annual maintenance checks with a skilled technician to assess and service your Rinnai water heater. This guarantees that potential difficulties are discovered and treated before becoming more serious.

    Keep the ventilation system clear.

    Inspect the venting system regularly for clogs, obstructions, or debris impeding airflow. Clear any debris and ensure that the vent pipes are properly placed and free of damage.

    Monitor gas supply.

    Check the gas supply to the water heater regularly to ensure that the gas valve is fully open and that the gas line is free of interruptions or leaks. If you suspect a problem with the gas supply, call a qualified technician for help.

    Maintain proper ventilation

    Ensure the area surrounding the water heater is well-vented for proper combustion and ventilation. Avoid storing items near the water heater that may obstruct airflow or pose a fire risk.

    Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

    Follow the manufacturer’s rules and suggestions for operating and maintaining your Rinnai water heater. This includes following the user manual’s installation, usage, and care instructions.

    Address issues promptly.

    If you discover any indicators of malfunction or anomalies with your water heater, such as unexpected sounds, odours, or swings in water temperature, fix them right away. Ignoring possible concerns can lead to worse problems in the future.

    Educate Users

    Ensure that all water heater users know the best practices for operation and maintenance. Educate them on recognising warning signs of potential issues and what steps to take if they encounter a problem.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    While some basic troubleshooting measures can be performed to handle a Code 12 error, such as verifying the gas supply and evaluating the venting system, it's sometimes preferable to get expert help if you can't solve the problem alone. A qualified technician can precisely diagnose the problem and make any required repairs or modifications.

    It's recommended to schedule annual maintenance checks by a qualified technician to ensure the proper functioning of your Rinnai water heater and minimise the risk of encountering Code 12 errors.

    Regularly inspecting the venting system for blockages, obstructions, or debris and clearing them as needed can help maintain airflow and prevent Code 12 errors.

    Yes, extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or freezing temperatures, can impact the proper operation of your Rinnai water heater and increase the likelihood of encountering Code 12 errors. Ensuring proper insulation and protection from the elements can help mitigate these risks.


    Understanding Rinnai Code 12 and knowing how to address it is essential for ensuring the reliable operation of your water heater. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide and staying proactive in maintenance and usage practices, you can minimise the risk of encountering Code 12 errors and enjoy uninterrupted access to hot water in your home. Remember to prioritise safety and seek professional assistance to address your Rinnai water heater issues promptly. You can keep your water heater running smoothly and efficiently for years with proper care and attention.

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